20. nov. 2011

Chapter 3, Part 1 "Surprise, baby"

A couple of weeks passed by, five to be exact. Vivian had been feeling sort of dozy the couple of last weeks and was afraid she might be coming up with something. She went down to the pharmacy where she listed all of her symptoms. "I'm tired all the time..." Vivian complained to the woman standing behind the desk at the pharmacy. "And I eat a lot!" she then said. The woman at the pharmacy just nodded and wrote a few words on a computer. "Yes, yes. Anything else?" the woman asked. Vivian had to think for a while. "Well, I have been feeling quite ill for a couple of weeks now, and I feel like I've moved into my bathroom considering how much time I spend there peeing all the water in my body out..." Vivian replied. The woman looked up at her and smiled. "Any chance you might be pregnant?" she asked. Vivian froze there she stood. Could it be? The woman showed Vivian the way to where the pregnancy tests were and picked out the very best one for her. "Here you go. Now, wait until tomorrow morning until you pee on the stick, ok?" she said. Vivian nodded, paid and walked out of the pharmacy in shock. 
 Vivian drove as fast as she had never driven before just so she could get home and call Imogen. The reason why she decided it was best to call Imogen was because she had just given birth to a child of her own and would know a thing or two about pregnancies. "Can you please, please, please just come over, it's an emergency!" Vivian screamed on the phone. "Calm down, woman, what's up?" Imogen said annoyed. "Can you just come, I sort of need your expertise!" Vivian sobbed.
 Imogen arrived twenty minutes later. "What's going on?" she asked scared. "I need to tell you something..." Vivian whispered. Imogen looked frightened at Vivian wondering what could be so important it couldn't be said over the phone. Vivian leaned towards Imogen and whispered: "I think I might be pregnant." Imogen looked up at Vivian and smiled. "Congratulations!" she yelled happily. "No, no, be quiet." Vivian whispered back.
 "Being pregnant is a great thing, I can't wait until I have another baby myself." Imogen said while comforting Vivian. "You should be happy you can even have children!" she then said. Vivian hadn't thought about the fact that there was a possibility she could never have children, with the focus on was, that is. "But I just moved here, I, I... I don't know anything about babies. I didn't even have any siblings!" Vivian said with a sad voice.
 "That's what you got instincts for, dear." Imogen said laughing. "Anyways, you've got me too, so you'll be alright." Vivian smiled by the fact that she had at least one person supporting her. But how was she going to tell Elliot? They had just gotten together, it was way too early to begin planning a family together, right? "Oh...My...Gosh. I think I need to throw up!" Vivian said before sprinting towards the bathroom.

 "I bet you're pregnant." Imogen said teasing Vivian a bit. Vivian forced a tiny smile before sinking her shoulder and going back to sobbing. "I can't handle a baby.." she said. "What am I going to do?" Imogen looked at Vivian, she didn't really know what to say, at least she did have a husband, a house and a job. All Vivian had was herself, three dogs, a cheap house and a lousy pay from some of her books.
 "Maybe I should just get rid of it?" Vivian said almost crying. Imogen gasped and said: "NO! If you are pregnant you're keeping the baby. You don't want to tell any future children that they had a brother or sister that you murdered just because you were scared?" Imogen said angry. Vivian was a bit set back by Imogen's attitude towards abortion. Vivian had always believed that people should have the right to decided for themselves without anyone interfering and yelling. After a couple of long seconds of silence Imogen said. "I'm going to leave now and you're going to call this baby daddy and let him know what is going on. And tomorrow you're going to pee on a stick and then let me know what's happening!" Vivian just stood there. "Bye." Imogen said while walking out the door.
After a couple of minutes gathering her thoughts Vivian picked up her phone from her back pocket, dialed Elliot's number and called. "Elliot, can you come over, we need to talk!"

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