16. nov. 2011

Chapter 1, Part 3 "A dog's life"

 Vivian is truly a dog-person, and she loves Pepper and Gertrud more than anything else in the whole world. But she's a sim, and sims have a limit for what they can take, and when Pepper brings in water every single day Vivian becomes pretty upset. If only Pepper could learn to shake herself before entering the house...
 "Hi, this is Vivian calling." said Vivian with a shaking voice. Was she really going to do this? Was she really going to adopt yet another dog? She already have to handfulls, a third dog would be a true mess. "Hello, what can I help you with?" the voice on the other side of the line replied. "I want to a adopt a ... dog." Vivian said, still a bit shaky. "Oh, that's wonderful. Are you looking for anything special?" the person at the other end of the line said. Vivian hadn't thought about what she was looking for and became to stone when she realized she hadn't prepared for a third dog at all.

"I was thinking, maybe a boy..." Vivian said. "I have two girls already, a big boy would be nice". The person at the other end of the line didn't reply. Vivian didn't know what to say either, and for a couple of seconds which felt like forever they both where quiet. Suddenly the person said: "We have an old, black mix. He's in a need of a home, or else we'll have to... you know." Vivian's heart froze to ice and broke a little. She knew she had to save this dog's life. "I'll take him!"
 A couple of hours later the person from the phone came by with the new boy. "Hello there, you're Vivian?" the person said. Vivian nodded her head a bit confused. "I'm here with your new familymember." the person said a bit irritated. Vivian just smiled big! "Well, you want him or not?" the person said angry. "YES! Of course I want him!" Vivian shouted. "His name is Sake, he's your problem now." the person said and quickly drove off.
 But old Sake wasn't a problem at all, he was a kind, loving little guy! And also so easy to teach tricks. It was clear that he hadn't had any loving home before in his long life, but in a way that made Vivian more comfortable because she knew she could give him the love he deserved!
 And the spark between them were there from the beginning! They were in love. They were best friends.
 But of course, Vivian hadn't forgotten about Gertrud and Pepper. So Viv decided that Gertrud needed a bath, considering she's a lazy dog she only lays in the sun, sweating... And after that; some cuddling.

Look at that expression, priceless! 

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